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Mornings in Jenin

Mornings in Jenin

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A novel by Susan Abulhawa

A story of love and loss - this deeply moving novel tracks the Palestinian narrative as never before, through four generations of a single displaced family, confronting us afresh with the reality of life amidst political conflict.

Paperback, 331 pages.
ISBN: 9781408809488

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Product code - TN-MIJ
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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
James Monger
A gruelling, but so important read

This book has opened my eyes. I was already praying for Palestinians and for the conflict over so many decades with Israel. But seeing the story from the opposite side to what is often portrayed in the news was startling. I can only read a chapter or two at a time because the story is so gruelling for the characters but it's an extremely well written novel and very readable.

Kay Greenish
Boight as a gift

Not read

Susan W.
Understanding Palestinian - Israeli conflict

This historically accurate novel traces a family over four generations. Because of a stolen baby brought up in Israel some of the hatred and bitterness in the Holy Land becomes at least for this family overcome. A deeply moving story especially read at a time of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.